
Amazon Seller Central Business Management Software

Profit, Cost, and
Performance Analytics
Inventory Management
and Forecasting
Product / Keyword Ranking
and Analytics
Product Review Management
Amazon Advertising Management / Automation Tool (PPC and DSP)
Competitor and Category Analysis
Customer Marketing Campaigns

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about us
Starting with a few thousand dollars in 2014, we have gone
through all the mistakes possible in the world of Amazon ranging from account and listing suspensions to containers being turned away at the port. After countless episodes of ups and downs, we have emerged victorious – the combined annual revenues of our own brands have recently hit 8 figures.

We often get asked why we want to help others sell well on
Amazon. Why not just keep selling more of our products?

We always respond the same way – Why not do both?

We continue to sell our own products..

But there are countless great products out there that can positively impact the masses if they are managed and marketed well on Amazon. There is a strong and growing need for authentic Amazon expertise and full Amazon account management. If we can repeatedly start and grow e-commerce brands on the Amazon platform and succeed, then there is no reason why we cannot help others do the same thing.

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New York, USA, MacDonough St. 23a, Second Floor
(212) 948-2621

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